Menangkan Game Lima, Mavericks Menanti Sejarah Terulang

Selasa, 26 April 2011 12:30 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,NEW YORK - Dirk Nowitzki mencetak 11 dari 25 poin pada kuarter ketiga ketika memenangkan Dallas Mavericks 93-82 atas Portland Trailblazers pada pertandingan playoff NBA kelima pada Senin (25/4) waktu setempat.

Tyson Chandler mengakhiri permainan dengan sumbangan 14 poin. Itu menjadi karier tertinggi dalam laga playoff ketika membuat 20 rebound untuk Mavericks. Jason Kidd menambah dengan 14 assist.

Pada game keempat (game four), Dallas memimpin sebanyak 23 poin pada kuarter ketiga sebelum ditekan lawan sampai akhirnya menderita kekalahan 82-84. Namun, Dallas kali ini tidak membiarkan hal tersebut kembali terjadi sehingga akhirnya berhasil memenangkan game kelima (93-82) untuk memimpin 3-2.

Dallas kini dapat mengakhiri permainan dengan kemenangan pada game keenam di Portland pada Kamis (28/4) mendatang. Dalam sejarah kompetisi NBA, tim yang memenangi game kelima setelah kedudukan 2-2 itu akan memenangi pertandingan.

Hal itu dialami oleh sekitar 83 persen tim terdahulu. Karena itu, Dallas Mavericks kini tinggal menanti apakah sejarah akan kembali terulang.

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Hockey is known in India

Hockey is one of the many sports derived from pre historic man's delight in stick and ball games. It is a game played between two teams on a field with curved sticks and a small hard ball. Its birth place was Asia and authorities credit Persia with having devised it about 2000BC. Modern hockey was created in England. The true ancestor of hockey was Irish hurling. The first hockey club was formed in Blackheath in 1861. The first international match was played in 1895 between England and Ireland. In 1908 hockey was included in the modern Olympic Games. The most extra ordinary aspect of its evolution is that a game once so rough and unruly was adopted by women.

Hockey became popular in India when the British Regiments played the game in India and introduced it in the British Indian Regiments who quickly picked up the game. The first hockey club was formed in Calcutta in 1885-86 followed by Bombay and Punjab. The Bengal Hockey was the first Hockey Association in India founded in 1908. With the popularity of the game, associations were formed in different states like Bombay, Bihar, Orissa and Delhi. In Olympic games India played hockey for the first time in 1928 held in Amsterdam and won the title. India lifted the Olympic Hockey Crown for five time in a row. India's first Olympic entry in hockey culminating in victory gave the Indian Hockey Federation a name and reputation. Dhyan Chand, Allen, Norris, Pinniger, Yusuf Gateley and Cullen were some of the brilliant hockey players. Women in India have also been taken up to hockey. Women's hockey has been included in the Asiad 82. Their standard of play is fairly good. A series of coaching camps has helped the players attain a commendable standard. 

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Pacuan Kuda Siap di Sea Games

DEPOK - Menjelang perhelatan olah raga SEA Games ke XXVI di Palembang pada November 2011 mendatang, kota Depok, Jawa Barat pun ikut berbenah. Pasalnya, Depok ikut berbangga dengan dijadikannya pacuan kuda di Kecamatan Limo, Depok, sebagai tempat pertandingan cabang olahraga berkuda.

Segala persiapan dan perbaikan ringan mulai dilakukan Depok. Pemerintah Kota bahkan menjamin pacuan kuda Depok siap seratus persen bagi pertandingan SEA Games.

Kepala Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Budaya Kota Depok Asep Roswanda mengatakan ajang tersebut akan dimanfaatkan Depok untuk mengenalkan kota penyangga ibukota tersebut terhadap turis domestik ataupun mancanegara. Dia meyakinkan, dari sisi infrastruktur maupun akses jalan menuju lokasi pacuan kuda sudah bagus dan siap untuk SEA Games.

"Tak hanya untuk olahraga, tapi bisa jadi masukkan bagi para pelaku usaha di Depok agar para turis yang menyaksikan SEA Games agar belanja di Depok, jadi pariwisata juga, intinya kami sudah siap seratus persen," tegasnya kepada wartawan.

Asep menambahkan, segala persiapan tersebut sebagian menggunakan anggaran APBD. Tak hanya itu, tentunya Depok juga bekerjasama dengan Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI).

"Stable itu kan selama ini tak hanya digunakan untuk even biasa, tapi sudah sering dipakai even tingkat Asia, jadi kami sudah berpengalaman dan bekerja sama dengan Koni," tandasnya.


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David Beckham Ditinggal Victoria

 MALIBU BEACH, — David Beckham tampak mengenakan celana pendek LA Lakers saat bermain bersama tiga putranya di pantai Malibu, akhir pekan lalu, tanpa didampingi sang ibu, Victoria.
Victoria, yang kini mengandung anak keempat, sedang berada di London untuk urusan bisnis fashion miliknya.  Kondisi ini membuat Beckham memilih membawa anak-anaknya berlibur ke pantai.
Klub Beckham, LA Galaxy, sebenarnya memiliki jadwal pertandingan  menghadapi Illinois Fire di Chicago. Namun, mantan pemain Manchester United ini tengah terkena larangan bertanding satu pertandingan karena akumulasi kartu kuning.
Kehadiran Beckham dan putra-putranya, Romeo, Brooklyn, dan Cruiz, sebenarnya tidak terlampau menarik perhatian pengunjung pantai. Mereka mengisi hari mereka di pinggir pantai dengan aktivitas wajar seperti berenang, bermain pasir dan—tentu saja—bermain bola. 

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Rahasia Kaka

 Tidak ada yang bisa meragukan kehebatan Kaka, pemain AC Milan bernomor punggung 8 ini. Dan tahukah rahasia kehebatan pria yang bernama lengkap Ricardo Izecson Dos Santos Leite? Membaca injil tiap hari.

Benar, berikut kutipan hasil wawancara majalah Men’s Health, Juni 2006:

Apa rahasia sukses anda?
Yakin pada Tuhan. Saya membaca injil tiap hari. Semua yang terjadi pada diri saya dalam kehidupan, bisa saya temukan disitu. Kitab injil memberi inspirasi untuk mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan dalam hidup saya.

Apakah ada yang lebih penting daripada sepak bola dalam hidup anda?
Tentu saja! Dalam urutan seperti ini: Tuhan, keluarga, teman, kemudian baru sepak bola. Kalau saya tidak main bola lagi, paling tidak saya masih akan memiliki teman-teman dan keluarga.


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The Diamond Girls

The Diamond Girls is about 4 girls (later 5) called Martine, Jude, Rochelle and Dixie. Their mother, Sue, is heavily pregnant with her 5th child and believes it is a boy since she reads tarot cards and peers into a crystal ball. They live in a 3-bedroom apartment in the North Block in Bletchworth which was their best flat ever. Sue decides to move to a proper house on the Planet Estate. Judging the pictures, Sue and the kids think it's a great house but when they arrive, it's the opposite. As they move, they hire Dixie's dad's friend Bruce to help move the furniture. However, the day they move in, Sue goes into labour. Bruce and Martine go with Sue to the hospital and the others are left alone. Dixie then explores the garden and meets a shy girl called Mary who has been abused by her mother. When the girls need candles, they go to Mary's house and Dixie hears Mary's mother slapping her. Sue comes home a day later with Sundance, a baby boy. However, when Dixie changes Sundance's nappy, she sees that Sundance is a girl. She keeps this secret to herself and confronts Sue about him. Sue begs Dixie to keep it a secret so she does. Meanwhile, Rochelle gets a boyfriend who is quite a few years older than her. Jude then learns kung fu from Bruce and Martine, unable to cope with the house and moving, runs back to her boyfriend after Sue finding out that Martine's pregnant.When Dixie is playing with Mary, Mary tells Dixie that her mother threw her teddy out. Dixie offers to lend her her toy budgie for the night but then regrets it. Dixie later goes to Mary's house to get him back and ends up getting badly injured when Mary jumps out of the window, after Dixie told her to jump of the garden wall. Martine comes back after breaking up with her boyfriend because his mother and him kept badmouthing the Diamonds, despite her pregnancy. After Dixie woke up she saw lots of people with a sickly scent, and is informed that Mary's mother is getting help and Mary is staying with other relatives. Sue then tells everyone that Sundance is a girl, not a boy.


The Diamond Girls is a book about four sisters and their heavily pregnant mother moving to the house of their dreams. When they get there they find out all is not what it seems.

Sue Diamond

Sue is the mother of the four (later five) Diamond girls. She is apparently quite promiscuous and at their original estate, Bletchworth, was referred to as a slag. All of her children have different fathers, and Sue probably has forgotten the name of Sundance's father, or as Rochelle observes, 'maybe she didn't even know it in the first place'. Her disreputable behaviour notwithstanding, she genuinely loves her daughters and does have some reasonable excuses, such as death or abuse, for parting with her previous partner. She has lovely thick black hair and wears short skirts. She chose unusual names to make up for her own common name. Dixie suggests she changes the spelling to be more unique. The characters listed below are the main characters and the daughters of Sue Diamond:

Martine Diamond

Martine is the oldest of the Diamond girls, aged 16. Her mother met her father Dave in Year Ten and when Dave got Sue pregnant, he tried to stick by her, but could not as he was still very young. At first, she is reluctant to leave because of being away from her boyfriend, Tony. However, after her sister Sundance is born, she decides to stay. At the end of the book it turns out she is pregnant. She has her mum's thick black hair, but dyes hers blonde, and because her mum wears short skirts, she wears jeans, low slung so 'you can see the top of her thong when she bends forwards'.Martine tries to take care of Sundance her baby brother(sister), but as there is a secret involved only Dixie knows, mother Sue makes sure to have the baby away from the rest of the family, which sadly is one of the reasons why Martine escapes.

Jude Diamond

Jude is the next oldest, aged 14. Her father, Dean, was abusive towards Sue, and even though she states that 'he could make my heart melt' she had to leave him. She is Dixie's favourite sister, and a tomboy. She gets into fights with a gang (including Rochelle's boyfriend), but gets on well with a large boy who, according to Dixie, has rude phrases on his jacket. She is smallish and fourteen. She is small, but squat and very tough. She is also being taught Wing Chun by Bruce.

Rochelle Diamond

Rochelle is 12, and is girly and a flirt. She has long blonde curls, a heart-shaped face, pouty lips and (according to Dixie) watches herself in the mirror all the time. She soon gets a boyfriend in a member of the gang Jude fights with. Her father was the aspiring musician Jordan who died of a drug overdose when she was two years old. Her mother Sue met Dixie's father Terry while arranging Jordan's funeral. Dixie thinks that she may not even remember her father, Rochelle acts as though it was the big tragedy of her life. Rochelle likes teasing Dixie. Although Rochelle looks like a big ball of glamour and flirt on the outside, she can be a softy in the inside.

Dixie Diamond

Dixie is the youngest of the Diamond girls and also the narrator, age almost 10. She is small and skinny and was born prematurely. Her father is an embalmer called Terry, who got her mother Sue pregnant while she was arranging her late husband Jordan's funeral. Terry has another family with a wife called Stella and three young daughters. He rarely talks to Dixie or contacts her; however at the end of the book he visits Dixie in hospital and says he wants to introduce her to her half-sisters. Dixie has a stuffed budgie called Bluebell, who she keeps up her cardigan sleeve. Out on a day with her father, he sees she has goosebumps, and bought her a big, blue cardie. It has grown with her through two years. She befriends six-year old Mary, who is abused by her mother, who is apparently suffering from depression. Dixie breaks both legs after catching Mary when she jumps out of a window. Dixie feels a special bond with Sundance.


Bruce is a working companion of Terry, and at first keeps asserting that he is 'not Terry's mate'. Bruce is described as having a bad haircut, glasses and a sweet but goofy smile. He treats Dixie like a daughter and she in return adores him. Bruce damages his already bad back halfway through the book, and while heaving Rochelle's fancy dresser up the stairs, he damages it, and is unable to walk or sit up, and has to stay at the Diamond residence lying on a mattress. It is suggested he and Sue might begin a romantic relationship. Dixie calls him 'Uncle Bruce'.


Terry is an embalmer and is Dixie's father, who got her mother Sue pregnant while she was arranging her late husband Jordan's funeral. Terry has another family with a wife called Stella and three little girls. He does not really ever talk to Dixie or contact her; however at the end of the book he visits Dixie in hospital and says he wants to introduce her to her half-sisters.


Tony used to live nextdoor to the Diamonds. He is Martine's ex-boyfriend. He got her pregnant two days before the Diamond family left for the Planet Estate. When Martine briefly leaves the house and the family to go back to Bletchworth, she stays with him, but eventually breaks it off and comes back.

Mary's Mother

Mary's mother abused Mary because of a long  post natal depression.according to her husband. She forced Mary to eat crusts by stuffing them down her throat, cut her nails back to the quick, slapped her for befriending Dixie and threatened to cut out her tongue when she told a friend about her mother hurting her and also threatened to slit her throat after telling a friend about her nails. She ends up in hospital because of her mental state at the end of the book. Mary's mother has long blonde hair and goes around her house keeping everything pin- neat.


Mary is a 6-year old who looks immaculate on the outside, but her mother has O.C.D and is very abusive towards her. She befriends Dixie, and she actually witnessed the abuse. Mary has long blonde hair which her mother ties in plaits. Mary is afraid of Dixie at first,but gets used to Dixie and her family.

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Jacky Daydream

 Jacky Daydream is an autobiographical book about Jacqueline Wilson's childhood, first published in 2007.

The book's title refers to a nickname given to the author when she was at primary school. The teacher, Mr Branson (who the children nicknamed Brandy Balls) would give all the children nicknames according to their character; initially he rather cruelly dubbed her "Jacky Four-eyes" when she came to school in glasses, subsequently he named her "Jacky Daydream" for staring out of the window during maths, a subject she hated.

The book details her very early life, from babyhood to age 11, when she is about to start at secondary school. The book is interspersed with many photos of the author at that time in her life. She also tells the reader what inspired her to write certain books, and she ends each chapter with a question that the reader must answer; for instance "Who had a doll named Bluebell and an imaginary Rottweiler?" Then she will give the answer.

She also gives a rather uncomfortable account of her constantly warring parents, Biddy and Harry. The book reveals that she failed the 11 plus the first time she sat the exams, as she had a terrible cold. She passed it a second time.

Jacqueline also writes about her favourite books, her first TV, her first china doll, who was apparently unwieldy, her parents' marriage, her first boyfriend David and many more facts about her life. Jac writes with love about her maternal grand parents, Ga and Gongon (nicknamed by Jacky before she could speak properly). She also has some cute childhood photos of her which are totally opposite to her now.

She has stated that from an early age she was determined to deal with "real" issues that affect children, and not to write Enid Blyton-style stories, although she greatly admired them. She was also a great fan of the child actress Mandy Miller, who was about a year older. She frequently talks about her favourite books and dolls she played with when she was a child. She is still an avid collector of both books and dolls and she also still enjoys reading and writing.

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